Principal's Message

History is theirs whose language is the Sun.
Dear Members of the JRS Public School family & well-wishers,
The world that we live in, now, is certainly fraught with many challenges especially of COVID-19 Challenge and the world tomorrow is everybody's guess. What is certain however, is that what we do today, will determine the kind of lives that we are going to have in the future. At JRS Public School we endeavor to propagate effective education and steer forth a progressive vision of creating synergy to fructify the guest for excellence and kindle the young minds with a dream of better tomorrow. We live today in a world that is so very different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education, We at JRS Public School (Sr. Secondary) work at implementing a well-balanced curriculum to ensure that the children who walk into portals of our school will not just love their school but truly be prepared to face life's challenges.
You will be glad to hear that JRS Public School (A unit of JRS Educational Trust) has been granted upgradation to a Senior Secondary School (Class 10+2) by CBSE, New Delhi with (Science, Commerce & Arts/Humanities ) streams from 2021-22 session. We heartily thank all for supporting us in achieving this goal.
Aristotle once said that "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization, we march our children ahead with JRSPS ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavor constantly to instill these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.
As the Head of the institution, I envisage learning as a natural process, value questions above answers, creativity above fact, individuality above conformity and excellence above performance. wish that my learners remain seekers of knowledge and motivated by curiosity and a growing sense of wonder to cultivate healthy attitude and trails to blossom in the air of trusted independence.
Let us journey through time in togetherness in the path firmly laid by the pioneers for Exploring continuously, executing our responsibilities efficiently and emerging with measurable success in our stride towards achieving our goals. The seeds of an idea sown long time back are coming to swift fruition, and the school is growing into a strong sapling May this sapling grow into a sturdy tree and spread its branches worldwide.
With sincere and warm regards.
Saumen Chakrabarti
JRS Public School